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Make an appointment

Most of our appointments with a GP are telephone first. If a face to face appointment is deemed necessary this will be arranged after speaking to the GP. Appointments for blood tests, injections, dressings etc can be made with the nurses.

We are operating a telephone first system for most appointments with the GPs. This allows us to offer as many appointments as possible while still leaving time to see patients face to face if necessary . We do have some face to face appointments available to book directly with GP trainees and Junior Drs. Some telephone appointments are available on a Monday after 6pm. These are intended for patients who work and can't answer the phone during working hours.

Remember that you can also contact the pharmacy for advice on minor ailments and there is also lots of self-care advice on this website.

Booking appointments

To book an appointment, you can call the practice on 0141 800 7000.


Phone 999 if it's a medical emergency.

Out of hours

If you need help when our practice isn't open:

Keeping appointments

It's important that you keep to your appointments. You have rights and responsibilities as a patient. Find out more about the Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities on NHS inform.